Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week 13, Thing 23 - Wrap Up

University Library 23 Things Web 2.0 Learning Program was very challenging and fun. I learned alot and now appreciate how hard it is to keep up on every new "thing" that becomes available via the web. Also I appreciated the instructions on how to access different tools, websites, widgets, apps and devices. It certainly expanded my knowledge and experience and also peaked my interest for continuing to use some of things I learned in this program.
Thank you to the 23 Things team who set up the program, contributed to the instructions and helpful hints and emailed reminders, for inspiring and motivating us to take and finish this program.

Week 13, Thing 22 - LibraryThing

Wow, I haven't used the word "thing" quite so much before now. Also wow, I like LibraryThing and have started to fill books in that I have read. This will be incredibly useful to me since I can't seem to recall book titles I have read in the past. Once I have read them, reviewed them and added them to My Library they can be found quickly.

Week 13, Thing 21 - Wordle

Well I was successful at creating a word cloud. I have done this once before but liked the opportunity to reinforce earlier learning. This time I did a cloud that I can use later for a presentation.

Week 12, Thing 19 - Online Mapping and Thing 20 - GIS

Community Walk was very fun to try. I mapped the Tim Horton locations I have tried in Saskatoon. This will come in handy when visitors come to Saskatoon and need some assistance finding good restaurants, tourist sites and other landmarks. It will be easy to send information out before people arrive here as well.

My son showed me how to use Google Earth which he learned from his teacher at school. Very interesting watching and then using it myself (with his watchful eye that I did it right).

Week 11, Thing 18 - Widgets

The countdown widget on my iGoogle page gave me increased motivation/pressure to complete the 23 Things. It gives that sense of deadline looming in days, hours, minutes ... This is probably one of the more popular widgets to add to web pages that are fundraising or counting down to elections, etc.

Week 11 - Thing 17 - Social Bookmarking

Diigo social bookmarking will be very useful at work and for class work. It will save me a lot of time as I can access from any computer. I like the sticky note and webslide features. Tags are also useful as they will keep my bookmarks organized and easier to find. I will be exploring and experimenting in Diigo long after the 23 Things program is complete.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Week 10, Things 15 & 16 - Social Networking and Twitter

Facebook and I have a long term relationship. However Twitter is new to me. I have to say that I am not a huge fan. It probably would be more exciting if I had lots of time and energy and interest in constant feed of information. My style is more facebook - check once in awhile to see how everyone is doing.